I've been collecting fabrics to make myself a new quilt for my bed in the loft in NYC.
I don't use one of my own quilts on my bed! GASP! I know right?
I "make myself" quilts and then don't use them...
Anyway, since it is now painted that lovely raspberry ice color I posted the other day,
and my floors are dark chocolaty walnut color...
I've been geared up to dive into these fabrics...
But what to do with them?
I had scrambled ideas around in my head for ages... no luck
I was nearly sure that I just wanted to Cut them into 2" half square triangles,
to make a huge quilt out of them... when yesterday,

I saw this rug.
Now, this is a pretty easy block.
My dilemma had been, my loft is very MODERN, and I didn't want a quilt
that looked like a grandma's quilt..
(don't get me wrong. I LOVE GRANDMA quilts, very much so!)
but it wasn't the look I needed in my loft.
Everything is very square.
I liked the idea that I could show off the fabrics,
that inspired me for this project anyway...

It's very sort of LOUD for me, (don't laugh!)
But I am thinking I will put a light border around to
The thing I love love love about this quilt
is the WARM and COLD combo... Gray and browns together.
with the pinks and purples... SO delish!
and high contrast! gotta love it.

It was a very easy block to put together...
I cut 10.5" blocks, then wrapped two sides with 3" wide pieces of one fabric
and 3" wide of a different on the other two sides, I then cut a template for a 13.5"
block, turned them wonky woo, and cut them out randomly as I went along..
being mindful that one tilts up , the next tilts down...
very easy piecing.. I only started this quilt at 10pm last night...
yeah I know. it's summer though,
I worked til 1:30, and got up at 9 and finished this first part at 12pm today.
I had to through in ONE Bright BLUE block in there just to throw it off...
had to. can't explain it... I just felt it...

And lastly,
This to the left, is the remaining fabrics... My plan is to use it all up for the borders...
Light borders, with all the scrappy bits I cut off thrown into the borders...
and WILL TRY NOT TO BUY ANYMORE for this quilt. (except for the back)
Use it all up like I did in the wonky log cabin in the last post...
(note: the dog is alive.)

Look mommy, there's an airplane up in the sky...
(DUCK! low flying planes!)
(DUCK! low flying planes!)
Do you use caffeine? Love the touch of blue to distract the eye. Not sure what that means but it sounds good. Great block and colors.
GORGEOUS!! I might have to copy your idea because it's awesome!
Oh it's a real beauty! Love the Tanya Whelan fabrics :)
The dog in the photo was the first thing I noticed and I just had to laugh!
lovely. lovely.
Fabulosa! Love the addition of the blue...that is perfect.
I am one who did not notice the dog and when I read that the dog was alive I thought you had lost it!!!!
LOL....then went back and saw him laying there. How funny is that?!
You have a great eye - that quilt is wonderful. Can't wait to see it quilted!!
ooooooh!.... this is going to look absolutely delicious with all that "raspberry ice" on your walls. Love the "blue" note...it just adds that "ping" that makes you raise your eyebrows and smile!
I love the quilt. The colors are great. I wondered about the dog when I saw the photo, wasn't really sure what kind of animal it was! I saw a border that sounds like the one you're talking about and it was darling, and a great way to use up the scraps. Please show another picture when it's finished.
I am glad you did say the dog was alive, i was beginning to wonder there........oh, and the quilt is wonderful!
glen: But i am really glad the dog is alive!
Nice! And for you yet!! Is that some of the purple you picked up at Grubers?
Amazing, Victoria! How clever. I love the block and will have to try it sometime. You are so good at using up every last bit! I'm sure it will look great on your bed with the raspberry walls and walnut floor and the dog on top :)
The dog must have been watching you sew! Now he needs a nap.
Beautiful quilt. The quiet modern design lets the fabrics do all the talking. Can't wait to see a photo of your new raspberry ice loft.
I bet we'll see something cool made with all the little scraps from cutting those blocks. That must be quite a collection.
It's great! Love taking an idea from life and making it into a quilt.
This is such a great quilt! I love your process, from the fabric collection to finding the rug for inspiration to figuring out how to put it all together in a most fabulous way to even figuring out how to use up the scraps. I also love that comment about the dog but it was questionable!
Hey V, First off, I'm looking at your fabric and I'm thinking, "Hey, I was with her when she bought that one, and that one, and that one too!" We tend to spend a lot of time in fabric stores when we are together, thank you God! Yipee!
Next I'm looking at your design wall and I'm laughing and laughing and laughing! I luv it! You rock!
And lastly, I absolutely know why you put that blue in. It is the reason we are such good friends. You did it,cause you had to!!!!
Great stuff , girlfriend! Have a wonderful weekend and happy sewing!
Awesome!! Love your original design. The little bit of blue gives it just that much more personality.
You are amazing! Right on!
and funny!
love the quilt!
love the blue in there, always like to add something unexpected to a quilt so in 100 years when someone is studying your quilt they will say WHAT WAS SHE THINKING????
when I study antique quilts many I ask that question!
but then I love the whimsy in quilts something that makes you smile!
can't wait to see how you quilt it?
maybe look into some sashiko quilting with a variegated thread?
Love it, Victoria! Great way to showcase pretty and bold prints.
; )
Brilliant Quilt! That touch of turquoise really lights it up... and there's scope for really interesting quilting there too - look forward to seeing it finished!!
it's gorgeous!
It's lovely!! :) I love the colors in it. And I love your circle quilt on your design wall...I just started one of those!! :)
wow! you are so busy!!! love that simple squares desing!! i want a desing wall like yours!
Thats why your quilts are so cool, because you are INTUITIVE.
(gotta love Jenny-Egg).
Isn't it amazing where we find our inspirations? My son says that I see quilt patterns in everything...much truth to it! I love the quilt with the collection of stripes and prints and solids and the blue, FABULOUS!!!!! Made me think of Stomp Out Loud tapdancing!!!!
Oooo...that sure is inspirational. Any chance you could give sizes, or even a tutorial? I'd love to do one for my dd.
Your sense of color is tremendous.
I love it! I love the fabric. Those cool gray fabrics are so wonderful.
That's great! - the inspiration and how you are using it, something so seemingly simple, and yet what a difference it makes when you tip those squares! ALso, the use of two different fabrics for wraps; and the blue- yum!
The dog - hahahahaha!!
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