A couple weeks ago I received a nice email from Linzee,
asking for information for an article she was writing about Quilting for Charity,

and my project BUMBLE BEANS BASICS
She's a lovely person, talented writer, and a blogger too.
please, go check out her site.
Thank you Linzee for your support!
You can see the etsy/Storque article here.
and also see her blog for another story

Picture of Me with kids from the BASICS project, making quilt blocks for
two quilts to be auctioned off Sept 2nd. 2010
Do you have a quilt you can send?
The quilts donated by you, will go to one of the 700 families currently
on the list waiting to be placed back in housing.
Please stop by
for more information.
I saw that article on Etsy's blog last night - what a wonderful article! Your charitable quilt efforts have been so admirable. I was amazed at how many quilts are really needed. So nice to make everyone aware of these impressive efforts!
I pulled out a UFO from the closet and am bringing it to my guild today to get some help pinning it (the hardedst part of quilting!) My goal is to get it in the mail by mid-August!
You are doing great work...
This is a great article. I hope it helps to draw attention to the need that is out there. I also received an invitation to the fundraiser in September...sure wish I could be there. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on getting the call from her. And I love the quilt.
glen: Quilts and Dogs
Dear Victoria, I have been deeply inspired by your last posts and have been working on something I can send you. :)
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