I went down Monday to PURL SOHO, for several reasons:
1. to pick up the donation for one of the prizes for Bumble Beans Basics
and see the NEW STORE!
2. to show Thea and beau around NYC, see more NYC pictures there.
3. to buy yarn, (when I am not a knitter??!!!!)

Isn't it fantastic? I may have to learn just so I can use this..
It has all kinds of little cute thing-ies in it...
The day was fantastic! HOT humid and sunny!
we stumbled upon a window.
yes a window.
under the window was this sign.
one bite site muffins. crazy flavors.
De-lish! (and very clever!)
I advise strongly on the one bite wonder of PEANUTBuTTER... Fantastico!
Then of course, I send them on their way to the statue of liberty,
I pick up B from school and a DOWNPoUR of rain hit as we ran for the subway!!
Crazy weather. It looked like we'd get washed away down the city streets!
we stumbled upon a window.
yes a window.
under the window was this sign.
one bite site muffins. crazy flavors.
De-lish! (and very clever!)
I advise strongly on the one bite wonder of PEANUTBuTTER... Fantastico!
Then of course, I send them on their way to the statue of liberty,
I pick up B from school and a DOWNPoUR of rain hit as we ran for the subway!!
Crazy weather. It looked like we'd get washed away down the city streets!

Oh well,all was not a wash! I found this lovely skirt, and the print was very inspiring.
I'm not sure why that inspired this baby quilt. But oh well. I'll go with it.
Actually it was a commission, and they asked for something for a baby boy with a CROW on it.
It's brown and white blocks event though it looks black and white...
okee dokee! There you go! A few more applique stitches... fun stuff!
These lovely goodies were in my PO box today! What a sweet surprise!
Thank you Rene and Barbara~!
the hot pads are very cool. tutorial link attached!
and the note cards are Rene' lovely photography, love the book mark!

I've added many links for Ideas & Tutorials, at the
Bumble beans Basics quilt drive site
quick lovely quilts.
If you have one you'd like me to consider adding,
send me an email or leave me a comment at the site.
hop over to the site and look around, keep an eye on that blog there, and say hi!
Thank you Rene and Barbara~!
the hot pads are very cool. tutorial link attached!
and the note cards are Rene' lovely photography, love the book mark!

I've added many links for Ideas & Tutorials, at the
Bumble beans Basics quilt drive site
quick lovely quilts.
If you have one you'd like me to consider adding,
send me an email or leave me a comment at the site.
hop over to the site and look around, keep an eye on that blog there, and say hi!
Ooh, I wish that shop were over here in the UK! Thank you for coming to see my ugly quilt and for your cute comment! I love your wavy lines - they've been on my to do list for a long time now - they're so cool.
I would not have guessed baby quilt but I do really like it. Once I had a request to make a baby quilt with dirt bikes on it. Can you believe I found fabric although not baby looking at all!
Looks like the new store is a lot bigger...it was needed! That yarn looks fantastic! So fun!
I do get in quilting moods, but keep it simple and quick---large easily bored factor and don't need more projects lying around. Try yarn and an embelishment on a quilt. You can secure with couching. Also I love orange. Hmmm...
Looks like a fabulous day! Friends, fabric and fellowship are a great combination (not to mention the cupcakes.) What are ya going to do with the yarn? Pretty stuff! Happy sewing, my friend!
What a fun day. Thanks for sharing it with us. You would love knitting...you should learn. Yarn is just as addictive as fabric. ;)
Great pictures to document your fun day. Fabric shopping and cupcakes...sounds like a perfect combination to me! Love the blue bird on the black and white quilt.
Love your CROW!! I predict you'll be knitting or crocheting soon. ;)
That commission quilt is just lovely.
Very cute commission quilt, the crow is just perfect :-)
I can't wait to visit Purl on my first-ever trip to NYC with my two twenty-something daughters...girl trip!...over Memorial Day!
That baby blanket is fabulous! You are just so darned creative. It's so lovely to read about you on other blogs - everyone has such wonderful things to say about you.
Hi Victoria, it's me again - ugly quilt no. 1 at piecenquilt! My parents are off to NY soon and have offered to buy me some fabrics while they're there and I wonder where to suggets they go. Would purlsoho be the right place? Or is it a long way out of their way (I guess they'll be pretty central, although I've only been there once so I don't really know what that means). Is it easy to get to? Sorry, I know you're not a tourist guide but I remembered seeing the shop on your blog and thinking how gorgeous it looked!
Sorry, I didn't put an email address but I'll come back and check the comments or you could answer at
whichever's easier for you. And thank you X
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