WaveRunner Quilt along

Here we go...
Basic Tools:
Rotary cutter
rotary cutter mat
straight edge
sewing machine, of course!
steam iron and ironing board...
Got your fabrics selected?
(I'm using the right hand fabric for inspiration and most likely it will be the backing fabric...)
Remember when selecting your fabrics to pick
For a challenge, try to not use WHITE or WHITE BASED FABRICS...
White becomes a comfort zone color, and it's the first thing your eye is drawn too.

I folded them so they were about a 10 piece on my cutting mat.

Cut random width strips, 1 - 3" wide...
make slightly wavy cuts.
You don't need to be EXTREME in your waves...
A few every once in a while is good, but you don't need them all to be that way...

****Cut ONE strip of each of your colors, and lay them out for starters...
Take each strip of each color and lay them out.
How do they look?
How do they look?

make sure you have a nice balance of colors...
I've laid mine out on the design wall, dark to lightest...
a nice gradation of tones and values...
Does it look good?
Does one color seem to flatten the whole thing?
For me the BLACK, and my darkest brown, where to much...
So I am pulling them out.
I added a deep purple instead with a warm reddish brown.

If you have a warm palette of colors, it doesn't hurt to throw in a few cool tones... my two purples are helping to balance to warm colors...
so visa versa, have mostly cool colors? add one or two warm colors....
Continue Cutting all your strips...
If you want to cut all your strips the same length, that's fine, I use a lot of scraps so I have a random cut lengths...
We will be sewing strips together to make a variety of 10" x 10" blocks and 10"X20".
SAVE ALL YOUR SCRAPS from your trimming. in the end we will use them to create other odd 10" blocks and a few filler pieces with them.

Our goal is to sew enough strips together to make 10" wides sections.

They do NOT need to stay edge to edge all the time, if it works out that they are not even that is FINE! They will still be nice and wavy so don't worry about the edges lining up PERFECTLY...
Sometimes with the wave of your fabric you won't be able to get the edges perfectly...
(this is really going against everything you've learned about sewing right!?)

See how my seam is wavy and I have pulled the fabric to keep my raw edges lined up?

Since we are only going 10" wide, I tend to do the whole bit, and then press it out...
Stretch , pull, and keep lots of water in your iron to steam it all out flat...

as when I trim this, (the only time you'll use your straight edge)
I save the bits to start new blocks... SAVE ALL YOUR trimming!!

trim to cut 14 ...10"x10" squares
4....10" x 20" rectangles,
And, I repeat! Save all your trims, as you can use them to start the next 10" block...
See some blocks have little bits tucked into them. Use the scraps to create another 10" block.
It's nice to change directions even inside a few random blocks...
When you start to lay them out, I try to do a vertical, horizontal vertical pattern...
some blocks I make have both directions in them ...
Be aware, when sewing the cut off bits together to make new blocks, that you DO NOT PULL
the seams to much or you will have to re sew the cut seams, like this...

Here are a few more areas where there are two directions inside of one block.

mix it up... there is no right or wrong way to put these together...
If you get a piece, and no matter how much you press and pull it does not lay flat...
CUT THE WAVY PART OFF, and add onto the block with something else...
(or cut it at a 10" block if you have the room to do so)
I've only had one piece in two quilts that I needed to do that too.
I'd show you but blogger says I just ran out of photo upload space...
so i gotta go fix that...
This is the random layout I used on my first... After you've made up your first 18 blocks, Using your scraps , you can start to use them for filling in...

We'll deal with the lay out in the next post. Because sometimes a block just doesn't sit the way you want it, and you have to PLAY! with them to get it right...
Please comment, and ask questions, I'll answer questions in the comment section itself...
Remember not to over think this, just cut your strips, throw them in a pile, and pick one up and start sewing them together any which way.
It's fun and fast, and you'll use your noggin more when you're laying them out... ;-)
Have fun!
I'll post filler blocks and layout next week Wednesday.
If you have images of your work, please email them to me. Email is on my profile.
I'll take a day once a week to show progress.
4....10" x 20" rectangles,
And, I repeat! Save all your trims, as you can use them to start the next 10" block...

It's nice to change directions even inside a few random blocks...
When you start to lay them out, I try to do a vertical, horizontal vertical pattern...
some blocks I make have both directions in them ...
Be aware, when sewing the cut off bits together to make new blocks, that you DO NOT PULL
the seams to much or you will have to re sew the cut seams, like this...

mix it up... there is no right or wrong way to put these together...
If you get a piece, and no matter how much you press and pull it does not lay flat...
CUT THE WAVY PART OFF, and add onto the block with something else...
(or cut it at a 10" block if you have the room to do so)
I've only had one piece in two quilts that I needed to do that too.
I'd show you but blogger says I just ran out of photo upload space...
so i gotta go fix that...

We'll deal with the lay out in the next post. Because sometimes a block just doesn't sit the way you want it, and you have to PLAY! with them to get it right...
Please comment, and ask questions, I'll answer questions in the comment section itself...
Remember not to over think this, just cut your strips, throw them in a pile, and pick one up and start sewing them together any which way.
It's fun and fast, and you'll use your noggin more when you're laying them out... ;-)
Have fun!
I'll post filler blocks and layout next week Wednesday.
If you have images of your work, please email them to me. Email is on my profile.
I'll take a day once a week to show progress.
Absolutely love it!!!
This is going to be very liberating for me! I have some cutting to do when I get home from work. This is very exciting!!! Have fun everyone!!!!
I can't wait to get home to start this! I knew all those scraps I had will come in handy!
GREAT tutorial, V! I will play as soon as I get home...sewing 'wavy' will be my biggest challenge after trying for YEARS to perfect my 1/4" seam...LOL! Thanx!
Here I go! You make it look really easy and the result is so artsy!
OK. I guess I'm ready to get started. Making that first cut without the straight edge ruler will probably be the hardest.
This is the same technique that I used when making up the components of the water quilt. I just love it!
Can't wait to get started. Gotta get my real work done first. But maybe I could better concentrate on my real work if I did this first! yikes.
I am going in to play with fabrics right now...I'll post my selections tomorrow (which gives me one more day to find the turquoise!)
Thanks for a great tutorial. Your blocks turned out so nice and I think it was a good thing to take the black and dark brown fabrics out. I am almost hoping for a wavy block that does not want to iron out flat..just to add the smaller strips in the opposite direction.
I love this project, so colourful. Will file it to give it a go later. Thank you!
I am too much of an STJ to even imagine this. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! But I love watching you do it. :-D
Ok.. I have a month of posts to catch up on..
I didn't think that I was gonna play, but now I've changed my mind! Very nice tutorial!
That looks like a lot of fun, it looks fabulous with your colours. I've had a go at that type of piecing before but this way is a bit different.
I really like this, Victoria. I wish I wasn't so swamped with work because this would definitely be a FUN project. But this girl has no time for fun anymore. Stupid job. haha.
Great tute V...this looks like a lot of fun, I hope to get started this weekend. Thanks for organising all this xo
Can't wait to get started, but it will be next week since I have to head out of town again. Your instructions were very clear and easy to follow!
(am I showing up as no reply?)
filmandthread AT gmail dot come
whee, I love these blocks so much. your process kinda freaks me out, but would be so good for me to try. must finish my current top first and then I'll give it a go.
Now this is really interesting!!! Thanks for taking the time to sharing this and for visiting so I could click on your Blog and visit myself.
Oh I am soooo far behind on my blog reading and I soooooo love thie quilt! How do I get going, Sally (that was my word verification btw LOL)????
Ohhhh, it is just stunning!!!! Love it! I have too much on my plate to play at the moment but have added it to my bookmarks for later.
found this from the link at cabbage quilts, definately on my must try list!!!
V - I've printed off the tutorial and am saving it for a rainy day.
Thanks for a great tutorial and the inspiration.
How exciting, your quilts are stunning and I am going to give this a try..and I love the colours of your fabrics. Thanks for sharing!!
Just beautiful! Reminds me of Nancy Crow's work, the Grand Dame of the Art Quilt world. Thanks for the tutorial!
Finally a sewing project for those of us allergic to straight lines. I love it. Thanks for a great tutorial.
Susan in Iowa
I love how these look! Thanks for the directions!
just found this.. love the idea & i may try it!!
Thanks SO much for the tutorial. The video was GREAT!! I decided to try it out. You can check mine out at www.joscountryjunction.com
I LOVE this! I followed your tutorial and made a baby quilt. You can check it out at www.joscountryjunction.com
thats so cool! love the colors. i'm definitely going to have to try this. i think breaking all the quilting rules is right up my alley! thanks!!
thats so cool! love the colors. i'm definitely going to have to try this. i think breaking all the quilting rules is right up my alley! thanks!!
Oooh ...I'm a liking this one! Thanks for the tutorial.
I read this article this morning, and decided to try it out this afternoon while piecing a quilt backing. Wow! It's so easy to do, and the results are spectacular! I love it! Thanks for the tutorial! I'll try to email you a picture when I get the backing done.
I'm going to start right away!Thanks you sooooooooo much!
I am going to ride the 'wave' so to speak and join in the fun! I have been obsessing about making one for a couple of days now and am itching to get started. I am going to start with a smaller, wallhanging size - I think this method would look amazing in a mini-quilt! Great tutorial too, very clear instructions and the videos are so helpful!
I have a tab on my website for tutorials that I think are worthy.
May I add your waverunner? I will put a link to your blog page and any other links or infor you want to include. I would like to include the little picture of the block.
Let me know if this is ok with you.
Wow! I am so impressed! I did not read all your comments as I am trying to get through the Exhibition! I do want to say that I usually do read the comments but my AC unit is leaking on my kids pics and I am trying to figure out why?? Anyhow, this is reminiscent of Gee's Bend quilts? Familiar? Love it! I couldn't get the videos to work though. Great job and I will become a follower and can't wait for the time to get into your blog!!
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