Many people have asked about
Values when choosing fabrics...
here's 2 good tricks if you feel you don't
see the difference in values of fabrics...
take a photo of your fabrics, and turn them into black and white images on your computer,
or you can buy a red template viewer...
sneak peak viewerLooking through the red you can see better if you have dark, medium and light values
(great to take along to the quilt shop when your choosing fabrics...)
A good way to see if you have good overall color...

I just got the binding added to the first
waverunner... my fingers are worn out from hand quilting through an already densely machine quilted quilt... But it was worth it...
Hoping to stitch than binding down tonight...

I started machine quilting on that rocking chair quilt, (feels like grandma's house) ... then of course I fell back on hand quilting... I just prefer the look.. especially on big blocks that need some definition... my fingers are not getting a break this week... I bought some of those little stick on pads for your finger but I haven't tried them yet... guess that would be a good idea!

ADDITION: Kia is in the other picture above with me sewing.. Jenny Egg is there too(by my upper hand), but since Kia was getting all the blog love I had to add this picture of Jenny Egg sun bathing... She looks so goofy with her hair cut...
I've gotten my mother back into sewing! She's taking classes at
Cottage quilts, and her teacher, Lynn, very kindly sent these along for me to make into charity quilts.
They were blocks that she had made in her teaching classes...
They should be fun to put together into something!

I love the bow tie block... a favorite out of the whole bunch!
Thank you Lynn!
They will be put to good use!

I snapped this last weekend, as we were driving to another Chinese New Year party ...
I don't know if the always have this sign up, but I like the sentiment...
click image to see larger!

And lastly, two blocks from
Mary on the left (love the patchwork fabric in there)
and two from Marianne on the right.
Marianne also included the little baby quilt below! AWESOME! Thanks Ladies!