I realized after Sarah pointed out I haven't shown anything quilted in a while,
that I also haven't really shown anything FINISHED, in a while!
Two reasons for this.
One is basically I start way more projects that I seem to finish.
I do get around to finishing them,
But I get so wound up on ideas, that I keep going until I expel many of them,
then I go back and decide an order in which to finish...
or which I like enough to hand quilt or machine quilt.
Which I can machine quilt and which I send out to have someone else to quilt.
that I also haven't really shown anything FINISHED, in a while!
Two reasons for this.
One is basically I start way more projects that I seem to finish.
I do get around to finishing them,
But I get so wound up on ideas, that I keep going until I expel many of them,
then I go back and decide an order in which to finish...
or which I like enough to hand quilt or machine quilt.
Which I can machine quilt and which I send out to have someone else to quilt.

I have machine quilted probably 30-35 quilts in the last year,
(click on slide show to see many of them) so my second
reason for not showing many finished, is I think my machine quilting could be better.
So for now, I have been working on small projects to machine quilt, and big quilts, that I like, or commission quilts, are being sent out to be quilted...(or need done asap for Xmas)
I have probably 10 quilts here that I want to hand quilt, but they take me ages to do,
so yeah, you won't see them for a while. But I will get to them.
For instance. The Simply Red quilts, are back from the quilter, and I am sewing
bindings on the giant quilts right now...
bindings on the giant quilts right now...

I have been picking up tips on machine quilting, and take small works to play with. Often I don't draw it out first, but on this one I did, as my feathers have been driving me crazy.
Since I CAN DRAW, I drew them out,(I never do this, and i should) and am trying many techniques on trying to machine quilt it AND take my time doing it.
Rushing, is an issue I have. I need to slow down.
I have many little projects here to finish. This one I did while Shelly was here, and picked up many tips from her that has made a huge difference... But I really feel, I need to be better at machine quilting before I try another large quilt...
Being an artist first, I find the process of making the tops the biggest challenge and most fun.
Quilting, I find, I have a lot less patience for, but I am giving myself time to figure it out...
I promise I'll have some more finishes soon.
I must have about 10-12 quilts sent out to be quilted right now...
So you can bet, soon, I will be doing bindings for weeks!
For now, I keep practicing. I have three sitting here, pinned and ready to go, since last fall...
But they can wait a little longer. I'm not quite ready for them yet...
oh my lord, i am in heaven....
NY and MN... what more is there...
Being an artist first, I find the process of making the tops the biggest challenge and most fun.
Quilting, I find, I have a lot less patience for, but I am giving myself time to figure it out...
I promise I'll have some more finishes soon.
I must have about 10-12 quilts sent out to be quilted right now...
So you can bet, soon, I will be doing bindings for weeks!
For now, I keep practicing. I have three sitting here, pinned and ready to go, since last fall...
But they can wait a little longer. I'm not quite ready for them yet...
oh my lord, i am in heaven....
NY and MN... what more is there...
Don't be so hard on yourself, I think there are a lot of us in the same boat. I know what you're talking about, that's one of the reasons I started machine quilting the scrap quilts. I'm not skilled but I have been seeking information too along with some DVD's and now I'm not so afraid. I think you've done amazingly well to have finished that many!
Oh, I'm not being hard on myself...
I am saying that I know my limits.
I don't find that to be a negative.
For me, I know patience is an issue. But I find that working on small things, my patience is growing. And I am getting better. I know what i can do, and If I can keep Patience, i could quilt out a very nice quilt. But right now, i am not there yet. half way through I'd be zip zip zipping through it, not caring... so this is about, knowing my limits, and proceeding when I feel able.
I'm learning, and I am ok with that.
As always an overload of yumminess today to feast my eyes on. I adore those red quilts, and the pink,red,orange quilt (and, and... I could go on). And I relate to the patience issue - I get that way too. To my mind you are so prolific it's amazing. I'm happy to see the tops and be inspired.
It's all about putting together the idea for me. At first it was to slap them together, and now I am learning to take more time and pay more attention to construction. then it's quilting... Seems normal to me! I'm growing, and learning, and when I know better i do better! I Love the process!
I think you are being too hard on yourself with the machine quilting. Things look pretty good from my view point. I by no means consider myself an expert, but I do know that the more you do the easier it gets. And I just had my own a ha moment quilting the other day - consistency in speed. Yes, I know this, but I didn't KNOW it. So you can still go fast, but be consistent on your speed.
And I love the Pick Up Stix! Love it!
I love that the artist speaks first and the process second! You are doing fantastically V! It's good to know your limits, have you tried to slow down (as in more haste less speed) and enjoy and embrace the process of quilting. As aposed to seeing it as a means to an end! Something I'm trying to do myself. Britt is right - so much to see! Love the Christmas tree - beautiful!
I understand where you are coming from. Just have to remind yourself this is your process and it works for you. I always want to speed through the quilting because I want to see the finished product.But lately, I'm slowing down and enjoying.
LOVE THE RED QUILTS! Home is where the heart is, that's what the quilting reminds me of.
From the beginning I wanted to do the whole quilt from start to finish. My mother always sent hers out to be hand quilted. I really wanted to learn to machine quilt. I have worked and worked on it. For me simple straight lines work better. I am hand quilting one quilt now and I love doing it but it takes forever. I also find that one of the great things about getting older is that you know your limits and it doesn't bother you. I have never thought of myself as an artist and I am ok with that. I do feel like my artistic side has been repressed and I am trying to cultivate that side of myself.
I know where you are coming from. I love the look and feel of handquilting but since my favorite part is playing in fabric, piecing and applique the pile of tops to be quilted soon outpaced my projected time on earth...so I learned to machine quilt. I don't know if I will ever get "good" enough at it to be as happy with it as my handquilting but I continue to strive...as Mom says if it were easy anyone could do it and how quickly we would get bored...
OK I'm now hiding from you! Don't look under the bed please!!!
You've quilted that many quilts just this year? Man that's huge! I've done one. Hey but at least I actually finished it, I guess.
who will you root for?
I thought your post was kind of like mine when I look around and haven't progressed at the rate I would like. I wish you a quilt like the little joyful words one that I quilted last week. Forgiving and pretty even though my quilting wasn't what I thought it should be, when it was washed and ready to go all the flaws seemed to disappear and even in a couple of cases were complimentary to the quilt.
Lots of pretties...I think we are our own worst critics. I didn't see it as boo hooing, but just sharing all that goes with making things. Have you seen the blog where she demos a new machine quilting stitch every day? I haven't had time to try them, but want to as they look great. I will send you the link if you want.
Well Ms. bumble beans,
I think you do a very fine job of machine quilting- and it is okay to want to be better at a skill- practise is the best way to grow and develop one's skills.
There are a couple of good DVD's books that I know of( well more than a couple I am sure) but two that I would like to offer up for ideas are : Patsy Thompson and Karen McTavish ( She had a lovely book called the Art of McTavishing that comes with Cd in it)
We all love different parts of the process- I am not a hand quilter but admire other people's work. I make large quilts so it becomes quite cost prohibitive to have them quilted by other people. I don't do fancy quilting - just meander and stitch in the ditch.
Perhaps some day I will explore the quilting part of quilting more, but for now I am content to quilt them together by meandering or in the ditch. I would rather be playing and creating with the fabric.That is the part that feeds my creative soul.
Keep practising and remember to be kind to yourself.
Your quilts are lovely.
Warmest regards,
V, Interesting commentary. I am in agreement (especially since I've been where you are skill wise.) All I can say is you will get to where you want to be, but to get there you have to quilt your brains out (obviously not a problem for you.) You rock, my friend and your work makes my skirt fly up! Just put your head down and keep on going and the next thing you know you will be exactly where you want to be skill wise. Happy quilting!!!
i've enjoyed reading this post. machine quilting was a huge learning curve for me. now that i'm better at it, i strive for even better results. before i counted it success if i had no puckers in the back. now i'm trying to step it up even more...more consistency in stitch length, in spacing, etc. but i'm so glad that i sacrificed the 20 some odd quilts to get to where i am today. because sending out quilts to be quilted certainly isn't in my budget. i am thrilled that i actually enjoy the quilting process. it's so theraputic for me now.
i'll help you bind all those quilts...i LOVE binding. :)
I am TERRIBLE at feathers. This whole week i've had paper and pen in front of me trying to practice drawing them on paper. I can not for the life of me get them to look how they should. On paper. Let alone on the quilt.
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