remember this box?
Sis Boom.... POW!
Do you know what I love?
Jennifer Paganelli fabrics.
Know what else I love?
Charity quilts and all my helpers!
For more info on my charity quilts see post from first quilt
here. all the posts from the 9 patch gather here
and yet to be completed, pixie dust quilt here.
Ok, so who wants to help?
This project will be slightly different.
We want a theme here...
POW! factor a must.
I want knock your socks off kind of blocks.
Ones that make your skirt fly up!
I'd like to invite you applique folks to sign up.
It's not a requirement, but I'd like lots of applique in this quilt.
We're talking stars, flowers, leaves, some real zingers with this beautiful lot of fabrics that Jennifer Fabulously donated!
(in fact go tell her how fab she is! here)
We had a lot of beauties in the last batch for Pixie Dust and I was really taken with the great applique work, so I want this next Donation quilt to push the envelope with applique.
there are so many great books out there right now on fun applique projects, and knowing I probably won't ever make one. I'm enlisting you all for help.
I will take up to 30 people,
2 blocks each
I'll be making two quilts,
one for donations and one for me.
Hey, the last two were a lot of work, and selfishly, I'd like to be able to keep one!
Do you blame me?
IF you can not complete the project, please don't ask to join to group.
It takes a lot of time to cut mail and send, and then not to get them back,
is a real bummer.
So if you want in.
Leave me a comment by Friday.
OOH! what fun this will be!
Thank you Jennifer!!!
THE PIXIE DUST QUILT: I will start putting that together October 5th. If you still plan on sending in your block, please have it to me by October 3rd.. or it won't be included. thank you
Stay tuned for a post about choosing a charity for that quilt.

It's clean! Shelly comes tomorrow. Can you imagine the mess we will make in here?
I doubt we'll be able to find the sofa by tomorrow night!
And Amy and Andrea are stopping by friday...
ooh! let the wild rumpus begin!
Magazines. Old lovely magazines....

After all the cleaning, I am left with a stack of magazines that are about 10 years old. craft mags, Martha Stewart kids and baby, domino etc.. they are tied up and ready to be thrown out tomorrow on collection day.
But I am having a HARD TIME LETTING GO!!!! sigh. So many wonderful ideas. no time...
I'm biting my nails....anyone else relate?
But I am having a HARD TIME LETTING GO!!!! sigh. So many wonderful ideas. no time...
I'm biting my nails....anyone else relate?
I won't be signing up (my applique skills are sorely lacking). But wanted to tell you that your studio looks ammmmmmmmaaaazzzzziiinnnnng!
Hi Victoria...
I really love your studio, and I really love that box of fabrics!! I can not guarentee applique, but I would love to work on some blocks for your quilts!!
Your bee balm pal...
Hi - I have never sewn in any sort of projrct, because I fear my skills are not good enough, but I am willing to try if you need help. I have appliqued both on my embroidery machine and freehand, but I have to use stitchwitchery since I am not a good needle turn appliquer/
Happy to work on blocks for you, if you'll have me :-)
Studio looks fabulous!
Can't wait to help it get messy! (Oooh, after all that hard work, too!) Can definitely relate to the hard-time letting go, but I'm getting better at it!
I'm going to get back to you about the blocks. Boy that fabric is fun!
V, Your studio looks GREAT! I can't wait to help you mess it up! Put me on your list, I'll make a block while I'm there. I'm so excited, I can't stop smiling!!! See ya tomorrow friend.
I would love to sign up BUT I am needing to learn how to say "no" and respect my own limits. I can't wait to see what people come up with, though. Your space looks GREAT! Good thing you took a photo, because if you are anything like me, it won't be like that for long. Have fun with your company. And along the same "learning my limits" line, I have finally progressed to pulling out photos and projects from my magazines and sending the rest away. Otherwise, I would be completely overrun. You can do it - say goodbye and don't look back!
I really enjoyed working on Pixie Dust, but I'm afraid I must say no this time.
I just told myself the other day that NO new, unexpected projects would start until after the first of the year.
Best of luck and I look forward to seeing pictures of the blocks as they come in. I really wish I could help out, it makes me feel wonderful inside to donate some of my talents.
Sign me up! Can't wait to see what we come up with.
And don't feel bad about the magazines. A week from now and you won't even remember them. I promise.
Wow! The studio looks amazing! Good Job! OOh..Love the daybed!
I'd love to make a pair of blocks for you. I have a few pictures of stuff I've worked on here:
I haven't done a lot of applique (and will use a sticky helper) but I am more than willing to learn.
Count me in, Victoria...I've got ideas swimming around already!
I'll email you me new address. Got the package the other day!
HEY quilters... leave me your email addresses, a couple came in as no reply so i can't count you in if I can't reach you!
your studio looks amazing!!!!!!!!! have fun messing it up with your friends. (so jealous!!!!!)
i don't think i can help with your blocks this time, either. i'm swimming in my own block project over here. (if you get in a pinch, let me know, though, ok?) the fabric looks amazing. and one more thing...good for you for keeping a quilt this time. i'm sure the pixie dust one is going to be so hard to let go of.
I would love to join! I have also been inspired by such fun fabrics!!
Count me in! The fabrics look fabulous. I hope the timing will be flexible since I'm traveling a bit until Christmas. I love your studio. Clean is good but messy means your having fun.
Hi there,
I love that you donate so many of your fabulous quilts to charity and I would love to be involved! Sign me up!
Thanks, Natalie
I'd love to do a couple of blocks. I love that fabric!
Hi there Natalie from lilamae quilts (she's my sister :) ) pointed me in your direction and I'd love to participate in making blocks for your charity quilt! The Jennifer Paganelli fabrics are gorgeous! I love to raw edge applique, does it matter if it's not needle turned? I can do that as well it's just easier to do raw edge!
Here's a post with my most recent quilt made in my own style :) With some raw edge applique goin' on!
Your studio is wonderful! Love Jennifer's fabric - the quilts should turn out awesome.
I've not tried my hand at much applique, but I'm in if you'll have me! BTW--I can only imagine how inspiring it is to walk into that studio when it's all clean and think about all you can create! Beautiful! Have a gerat time with Shelly!!
I'm soooo in Victoria!!! I've not done any applique, but have been reading up on it and have purchased a few tools recommended in an applique book I purchased a while back. Please count me in!!
I'd love to work on some blocks for you - if you'll have me! I'm still a novice but I'll give it a whirl! Not done appliques before but I've been wanting to give it a try. I think it's more than reasonable that you keep a quilt, you work so hard on organising the charity quilts you deserve it! Of course I understand if you don't want to post internationally.
I love applique, and love helping charities . . . and those are gorgeous fabrics. I'll do a couple if you still need more volunteers. My email is:
beautiful studio!!! i hope you'll have to many great people on this proyect :D
Is it too late?? I'd love to create some blocks for you ... I live in Belgium though. Hmmm, just let me know. thanks, jovita
I lover to applique, and if you still need volunteers let me know... Thanks!
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