What is she looking at?
I picked B up form school on Friday and we walked home, so that we could walk past the Christmas windows at Macy's and Lord & Taylors...
(check out the lady's coat next to B...very crazy patch)

Crowds of people are out and about But we could still get up the windows to see...
it wouldn't have even really mattered if we couldn't. it was so nice out, and to take the time to not RUSH home, But walk and take in the holiday air... Everyone was cheerful and happy.
NYC is so lovely at the holidays. It really is magical.
It was a lovely walk spent with my sweet B.

The Macy's windows were all about writing your Santa letter and what it goes through to get to the North Pole. hey even had a interactive window where you could write your letter... I'm thinking this may be the last year in "Believing"...
Questions come up, but she doesn't really wait to hear the answer...

These Salvation Army bell ringers were a lively bunch! They were half rapping, and singing Christmas tunes and attempting some dance moves... We stood and had a good chuckle... Whatever works right? You go girls!

I was out walking the dogs the other night, and I looked up to see the fullest loveliest moon over Manhattan... glorious.
And tonight they say we might just get some snow. Although its raining all day today, we'll see if it gets cold enough to turn it to snow.... so for now it's a good day to see Mr. Fox, or stay home in front of the fire...and sew...or nap...
I have 3 of my 9 tile blocks finished... 6 more to go...
I really am enjoying how they are turning out...

Feeling the need to be au naturale...
I cut my hair again... I couldn't handle the floppy haircut I had a month ago...
Now I feel like I am back to my old self...
Well, as soon as the dyed brown grows out, then I'll be back to my natural gray self...
It feels so good.

I hope you are able to enjoy the Holiday spirit in the air today.
St. Nick comes tonight!
Now I feel like I am back to my old self...
Well, as soon as the dyed brown grows out, then I'll be back to my natural gray self...
It feels so good.

I hope you are able to enjoy the Holiday spirit in the air today.
St. Nick comes tonight!
I usually don't like short hair on women but there are a few exceptions and you are one! You are cool and classic and New York-y.
Ive been thinking about that SAME hair cut, looks great on you...but ohhh, Im so nervous.
Your tiles look great.
The look on your daughter's face is so so full of anticipation and she looks very cute. Not many people look good with short hair but you have a nice shaped head and you do look good. If I had a smaller head and straight hair I would do the same thing.:)
Your hair looks fantastic! I adore short hair. Just waiting to lose the baby weight before I finish ridding myself of mine.
Love it!
I love your hair! It's beautiful <3!
You have a wonderful life!!! and I adore short hair and aslo sport the look!!
Those windows look great and love the tile blocks. You look fab. I've got a pixie haircut going myself here. I always forget how much I love it when it's cut - must remember to do it more often rather than waiting two months between trims.
I used to wear my hair that way too
years and years ago.....
but I'm afraid now I would look like an orange with a little peanut
of a head sitting on top..HA!
What a great holiday stroll you and 'B' must have had...I've strolled those very streets several times through the years...
stopping in on my way to leaf peep
up in Vermont!!
I'm just crazy over your tile pieces!!!
My Waverunner top is all sewn
together...wah..wah...NOTHING in
my stash even comes close to what I want for the back...otherwise I
probable would have had it sandwiched and ready to quilt!
Oh that last photo of you and B is the sweetest!
Walking the streets of NYC during the holidays sounds like a blast! B may have a couple more years of not being sure...it is so much more fun to believe!
Damn, you can rock any hairstyle you choose!
Oh to be in NYC. The first time I was there it was also the first weekend in December. It was warm, but still magical.
Love your new haircut. I can't wait to see how your gray looks.
You look wonderful! I still haven't gotten to the post office, but since I finished Solidia's block, plus Christmas presents, the post office WILL happen this week! I'm so sorry that you don't have it yet!
November is usually one of my mellow months and this year was crazy with December turning out much the same. Looking toward the new year and finding my center again!
I've missed "chatting"!
It sure looks like you and B had a wonderful day! Enjoy all that time now. Unfortunately, as they get older those types of days get to be less and less. They still persist, but are different. Your hair looks wonderful!
Love the short hair and I also happen to love natural grey. I have lots now. I'm a low maintenance kind of gal. Enjoy the holidays. I've never been to NY but I know it's a very festive city this time of year. I think the tree in NY is more beautiful than the one at the White House!
Love the hair.
And what a fun walk home! I think a reflective mood is going around, and that's a good thing!
Take care and enjoy yourself! Oh by the way, I may have forgotten to mention, mail is on it's way!
Those tile blocks are just great! And I loved the city photos -- what a hoot to see Salvation Army bell ringers doing a jig! How appropriate -- my word verification is "ringses"!
Beautiful in any incarnation! You are. B is. Even Mr. Wonderful.
You are beautiful!The short haircut gives intensity to your face...I like so much. ...and N.Y.city? What can I say? I LOVE!
I had a pixie cut like this for years and decided to see how long I could grow my hair...I really miss it, I'm thinking about giving up on the growing!
Love the new do! I wish I were as brave (and beautiful!) as you.
I reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllly like your haircut !!! :)Dont change for anyone!
that B sure is a cutie. I can't wait to get to the city to see the sights. I have a lunch date next week.
Super cute short short hair!
Love the tour of NYC and your tile blocks are fantastic! I have had my hair cut short-short for years and I am now in the process of letting it grow out uuurgh. I am ready to cut it all off again!
Love your tile blocks. Look like fun to make. That last photo of you and B is adorable. I say we should all "Believe" for as long as we can. Since my kids are all spread out with their ages, we've always had "believers". I'm afraid this may be our last year as well. I have a 21, 17 and 10 year old. Santa visits all three!!! I love your short hair. I admire you and others that can pull it off. It suits you. NYC this time of year must be a blast. Thanks for sharing your day.
your B is such a precious girl! loved seeing the pics of your day together.
What a cute little girl you have! Love NYC at Christmas time. Kids really bring something magical to the holidays. Too bad they grow up so fast.
ttfn :) Yuki
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