I've been enjoying seeing everyone get out there UFO's trying to finish stuff up before spring...
I thought that was funny, because I don't like to think about how many I have...

I Bounce around like crazy, as inspiration hits me. I don't mind. Some I know will take me a long time to finish... like my grandmas flower garden... or the hand quilting quilts... years before I finish those...

At the moment, i am cranking out the circles and stripes quilt
the purple orange and turq with appliqued flowers quilt, and I dug out these from last year...

I had made these blocks, which consists of 4 blocks designed by my mother,
4 by me, 4 by B, and 4 by my niece... I had hit a brick wall with them, as it was to be 4 lap quilts one for each of us containing one of each of our blocks... then last night, inspiration struck.
that stripey fabric laying there will be borders... Now we will see how long it takes me to get them finished... I may change my mind and make them into one big quilt... to soon to tell!

Tonight I'll finish the binding on the Pixie dust quilt. Here is a peak... Doesn't it look good!
And, just to check in with myself.. here is my on going list of UFO's. I actually got caught up last year, doing 4 quilts in a week...
Somehow I think that ain't happening this year!
yellow Dresdens
xmas log cabin
Waverunner one
Waverunner two
Batik starry night
B's Buddha
B for alphabet project
mini Waverunner
purple and green
Family of origins lap quilt.
Quilt tops from summer that still need to be finished:
turq/red/gold quilt from the summer
Midwest sunset quilt from summer
Sunset at the lake quilt from the summer
red/turq from summer
blue and brown hand quilting (from two years ago)
Red Matisse quilt, hand quilting (from a year ago)
5 that are pinned & ready to machine quilting waiting for me
6 for BINDING:
Black and gray windows.
Pixie dust
purple runner
Pick up sticks
Parsley patch
Scrappy happy
and will have shortly to be pieced:
scrap cabin from Quilting bee (can't wait to work on this!)
2 quilts for Sis Boom POW
oh well. We all have our systems and ways of working... I like having lots of projects at once... I'm never bored!
2 quilts for Sis Boom POW
oh well. We all have our systems and ways of working... I like having lots of projects at once... I'm never bored!
I like having lots of projects all at once, too. I would get bored too easily if I didn't. I'm too embarrassed to list all my UFOs out like that, tho -- actually, not sure there's room -- can posts get that long? I call myself a flitter, and try to make games out of things to keep myself on track . . . and I DO actually have a schedule of sorts so that I don't forget something really important.
I don't mind, they all get done. Besides that, I have 6 more out being quilted that I didn't want to do... I just keep pushing on, they will all get done when they need to be!
I kind of like moving around with different projects too. Although there are times, when a deadline helps me focus and get it done!
I love having loads of projects on the go also. For me I have a cotton theory quilt that is so close I can almost taste it to being done but it's quite a difficult technique, then I have a baby girls quilt to be finished I have 6 applique(s) cut out and laid out I just have to sew them to the blocks, I have an apple core that I hand pieced that is totally finished on the top but it's quite small so I'm in the stage of "should I make it bigger or leave it as is"...and the list goes on.
Love your studio!!
You've got a list longer than my arm and yours (and we both have long arms.) It's a good thing you are a finisher. I need to be in the finishing mind set myself. Have fun doing your thing, you rock!
I can so relate! I have half finished projects all over the place.....my oldest being a scrapbook half finished from when I got married 13 years ago lol.
Someday I will find the time to finish all my ongoing projects but like yourself I keep getting sidetracked when new ideas pop into my head :0)
*hugs* Heather x
The quilting on the Pixiedust quilt looks so beautiful!
I used to have tons of projects going on at once, but as I've gotten older, I learned if I don't finish them while they are fresh, I lose interest and never want to pick them back up again.
Oh I love seeing your UFO's and WIP's here Victoria, your quilts are always so inspirational. I just have to make some like your little quilts with squares on point and the flowers sewn on top...beautiful. I love the quilting pattern in your pixie dust, gorgeous. I have yet to quilt my wave runner quilt, hopefully soon. xo
I love to see your quilting room and all the projects you are working on. I am getting sidetracted with new ideas too and my pile of UFO's is getting bigger and bigger.
you're so brave to list your UFOs - good for you! I've never tried it, but I too love to move from one project to another as the mood strikes.
What a long list of to dos!! You better get moving soon if you want to finish before year end... lol! I love what you are working on though, just looks too yummy.
I used to feel guilty about all the projects that were unfinished while I moved on to another one...not now.
I like the project where you, your mom, daughter and niece each designed and made blocks for quilts. So cool.
Yayyyy! I love that list! It's almost as long as mine! For Christmas last year, a close quilting friend bought me a lovely journal to record all my quilting in! I started off with a list of all the UFO', WIPs, tops waiting to be quilted, bindings etc. Each time I finish a quilt it gets recorded and I place a date next to the entry on the original list. At the end of the year I shall write a fresh list and take stock! At the moment I started with 26 UFO', 16 tops - currently I have 20 tops, unimaginable number of UFO's and have finished 19 quilts so far! It's a interesting way to see how much you achieve! (or how much sidetracking goes on! LOL)
I love the quilting you've done on the pixie dust quilt. I did make a list of my ufo's and started crossing them off and dating but now the list is a ufo too, oh well.
I have so many UFOs that I don't even want to know how many. I like having a bunch to work on so my sewing can fit my mood, but I'm getting to the point where I want to finish SOMETHING!!! You at least have lots of finishes. Also, love those wonky log cabins in solids -- stunning!
Sounds like we could all have a contest with our lists! I so did not have this issue while I was working and commuting - but now, something pops into my head and I need to start it! Love everything you are working on! I will be doing a scrappy log cabin and a waverunner in solids next year! Have a fun day!
You just made me feel so much better about my own lists, hee hee. ;) thanks for that, dearie!!!
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